Authentic Materials and Media Literacy: Curation and Evaluation


partner: Dolnośląska Biblioteka Publiczna
gdzie: Wrocław, American Corner, II piętro
kiedy: 2018-09-24 12:45 - 2018-09-24 13:30
bilety: Wstęp darmowy
 American Corner zaprasza na spotkanie w języku angielskim. Wykład poprowadzi Jen MacArthur. Zapisy pod numerem telefonu 71 3352215 lub poprzez e-mail 
Authentic Materials and Media Literacy: Curation and Evaluation
As learners of English in the 21st century, we are fortunate to have seemingly endless materials available to us online, especially authentic materials, but whether we have access to the internet on our phones, via wifi in public spaces, or even in the classroom, it can be difficult to choose materials that make sense and that are trustworthy. In this talk, Jen will discuss the need for curation of materials, the need to be able to evaluate sources, and will share several of her favorite American sources for authentic materials to learn English from.
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